Perforated Conical Strainers
Perforated Conical (PC) strainers represent a substantial performance improvement over flat style strainers. There is more open area so conical strainers clog more slowly and offer lower pressure drop losses than flat strainers. PC strainers require an accessible section of pipe, such as a removable spool piece. Conical strainers are effective for startup applications, as well as most service requiring infrequent cleanout.
Strainers, Blinds, & Bleed Rings
Permanent Line (PL) and Bathtub (BT) Strainers
Permanent Line (PL) strainer baskets, like BTs, can be removed without disturbing the adjacent piping. Additionally, pressure drop losses are lowest, baskets clog more slowly, and basket volume is greater with PL style strainers than with any alternative styles. PL style strainers should be used where energy losses must be minimized, where ease of cleanout is important, and/or where the maximum period between cleanouts is desired. PL strainers, being fabricated units, offer a maximum of design, configuration, and material flexibility.
API Raised Face Spectacle Blinds
A combination of a Single Blind and a Ring Spacer fabricated, for field convenience, as a single unit. Weight limitations and the associated difficulty of handling heavy pieces in the field are the primary considerations in specifying a Spectacle or Figure 8 Blind over separate components.
Bleed Rings
A ring section with one or more radial piping connections. These are designed to fit between standard flanges, using conventional gasketing materials. They provide a convenient method of draining piping, taking samples, or attaching instrumentation.